UK Hair Transplant Clinic Of The Year 2022-23

Could you be losing hair due to stress? Let’s find out

Could you be losing hair due to stress? High-stress levels can have an impact on many things. It’s a part of everyday life. It affects many of us in so many ways. Of course, some more than others. It can also affect one’s physical and mental health, and it can have a significant impact on the body. Unfortunately, hair loss is one of those side effects when it comes to stress related events.

When it comes to stress other known by (Telogen effluvium). It is a scalp disorder which causes shedding and thinning of ones hair. This can happen over months where intense stress has occurred and the way it works is due to ways of stress. Losing hair due to stress can occur over the entire scalp too. You will likely notice hair loss when washing, brushing and sleeping.

The good news is that losing hair due to stress is usually temporary and can be treated. So it’s best to get that stress under control. We have all experienced stressful events, it’s a part of daily life for many. So if you have noticed hair loss as a result of stress you will likely find the hair loss stops by itself after the hair cycle and this usually lasts around six months; however six months is a long time. So what can we do to help now? There are things you can do to encourage the new growth of hair and also ways to keep your hair friendly and robust.

At the Hair Dr we understand such events can cause many problems starting from one’s mental health, confidence and self-esteem, so we have put together some ways to help keep your hair healthy.

Ways to help hair loss and stress


exercise to help hair loss

It’s evident that keeping fit and healthy helps with many health problems and hair being one of them, we recommend you find a routine that you enjoy. It can be anything starting from walking, cycling and running. We regularly suggest around 30 minutes a day as this helps hair regrowth as well as boosting the hair. Research shows that some exercise like meditation and yoga are useful for helping hair growth. So why is this?. Firstly it helps with overall health, it’s good for the mind, body and soul. It is also known to help stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, which will help with getting healthy hair.

Supplements and Vitamins

vitamins to help hair loss

Good health means good hair right?. Is this just common sense?. Well actually improving nutrition will help your hair growth and overall health. There are many supplements and vitamins known to help hair growth! Give it a go.

So what are they?

Vitamin D, Zinc, Folic Acid, Omega 3, B5 and Iron


relax to help reduce hair loss

Relax, you deserve it. Why not book a spa day?. Take time to have a massage on the scalp? So why is this?. A massage will help stimulate blood flow and can help hair follicles. You can even do this by yourself when you are in the shower or before bed. We would advise you to do this softly. Massage the scalp in small movements just like the hairdresser do!.

Deep Breathing

We would recommend breathing techniques. Deep breathing helps stress as it lowers the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. You could do this before bed or first thing in the morning to kick start you for the day.

Hair Products, Shampoos, Conditioner & Hair Masks

There are many products on the market ranging from hair masks, shampoos and conditioners. These are known to improve hair growth. The results are designed to help stronger growth and to help with the thickness, they tend to have natural ingredients such as caffeine.

Reach out to friends and family

A social network is part of life, and it can have a real benefit to handle stress talking to friends and family can help massively.

Stress is a powerful thing for all of us. Still, if we can manage it, it will help with well-being and all aspects of health. Especially hair growth by reducing the stress in your life you will help repair and regenerate your hair. This will then recover from stress-related damage. Keep it under control and be clear that reducing stress levels will help in so many ways. Still, if you have tried all these options and you are left with no other option, then the Hair Dr. We would consider a hair transplant as a permanent solution to your hair loss problem.

A single surgical procedure should be sufficient for you to regain the full head of hair and finally bring an end to endless treatment and getting your confidence back!. We are here to answer any questions and to help you on your hair journey!. Patients come first at the Hair Dr, and we are in it together.

Get in touch

get in touch

If you have any questions, then please feel free to contact us today on either method T: 0808 169 7210. E: alternatively you can book a free consultation via our website.

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