UK Hair Transplant Clinic Of The Year 2022-23

Hair transplant considerations – Hair Dr

Hair loss can affect many people, both men and women. The majority will make a good hair transplant candidate. Before any decision should be made there are a number of considerations. Deciding to undergo a hair transplant is a big decision. With that is mind here are 10 hair transplant considerations.

A bad hair transplant can have major long-term detrimental effects on the patient. Both psychological and physical. At the Hair Dr we carry out many reconstructive cases. Some with limited donor supply leaving a visible scars. As a result, cannot be camouflaged. There is no such thing as a non-surgical method of carrying out a hair transplant. A hair transplant is an elective surgical procedure.

What to consider before deciding to proceed with hair transplant:

  • Hair texture
  • Contrast between hair colour and skin
  • Your expectations
  • Age

Hair texture

The texture of your hair is important. Thick, coarse, curly hair tends to work best. It covers the scalp better compared to fine hair. Finer hair may require a larger transplant session. The coverage will depend upon the number of follicular units placed over the recipient area. It is usual for 2,000 to 3,000 and even 4000 follicular units to be placed in a single transplant session.

Note: a ‘follicular unit’ means a donor graft or strip that contains 2,000, 3,000, to 4,000 hair follicles which will sprout new hair once they are implanted.

Contrast between hair colour and skin

The contrast in skin (scalp) colour and the colour of your hair. If hair colour is low in contrast with the skin complexion this helps a hair transplant result. The aesthetic aspect is the important factor.

Do you need a hair transplant?

The biggest and most important consideration to start with is being realistic about what this surgery can achieve. That said nobody needs a hair transplant, it is elective surgery. If your hair loss is causing you concern, speak to an expert at the Hair Dr. They will talk you through your treatment options.

The cause of your hair loss

There are many causes of hair loss. In most people the cause is hereditary Androgenetic Alopecia. More commonly known as “male pattern/ female pattern baldness”. Hair transplant surgery is the only proven permanent treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia.

Your age

It is important that the hair loss pattern is established before surgery is undertaken. Therefore, young men under 25 are often offered medical treatment first. Which usually proves very effective in stabilising hair loss. Another factor determined by age is how it influences the planning. Hair loss will continue with male pattern baldness. It’s an important factor to consider when designing a natural and undetectable hair transplant.

Alternatives to hair transplant surgery

alternatives to hair transplant surgery

Medical treatment is available for hair loss. There are two US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medications which have proven effective as a hair loss treatment in more than 80% of male users with hair loss.

This treatment is effective but not permanent. When you stop taking the medication, your hair loss will resume.

The skill and experience of your hair transplant surgeon

Hair transplant design is crucial to achieving an undetectable hair transplant. The skill and experience of your surgeon in this process is vital to a successful outcome. The degree of scarring you will experience in the donor area following a hair transplant will be determined by your body’s own ability to heal, the technique used to extract the grafts, and the skill of the surgeon.

The type of surgery – FUT or FUE

The difference between FUT and FUE is essentially the way the donor hair being transplanted is removed from the patient’s scalp. For many patients the optimal treatment plan would involve the use of both techniques over the patient’s life. Hair transplant considerations before you decide as to what technique you wish to choose. A consultation with an expert surgeon here at the Hair Dr is highly recommended. Find out more about the difference between FUT and FUE in our previous blog.

What are the complications or risks of the surgery

Hair transplant surgery is an extremely safe out-patient procedure that is normally without significant risks or complications. However, there are hair transplant considerations, like any surgical intervention. However minor there is a possible risk of infection. Please speak to one of our team to find out more.

How soon after surgery can I return to work?

Depending on the type of procedure you have done and type of work you do, it is often possible to go back to work within a few days. Most of our patients return to work after about 3 days. Your surgeon will confirm this at your consultation.

What is the success rate of hair transplant surgery?

In a non-smoker between 95-99% of the grafts will grow successfully providing the highest international standards of surgery are used in the transplant procedure, such as those used at The Hair Dr. At the Hair Dr our studies have shown that 98% of all the grafts we place will eventually grow normal hair. If you are considering hair surgery and would like to arrange a consultation with one of our hair surgeons, then please feel free to contact us today on either method T: 0808 169 7210. E: alternatively you can book a free consultation via our website.

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