UK Hair Transplant Clinic Of The Year 2022-23

Topical Dutasteride

Dutasteride can slow, stop, and reverse the process of hair loss. Significant improvement in hair density and regrowth can be seen after 12 months.

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Dutasteride Spray: A breakthrough in hair regrowth

Dutasteride is a breakthrough in hair regrowth. Available in a topical form, Its precise application makes it a great alternative to oral meds. It’s a powerful medication used to tackle male pattern baldness by blocking dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone that fuels hair loss. 

DHT binds to hair follicles, causing them to shrink and eventually stop producing hair. Dutasteride, a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor (5-ARI), tackles this by halting the conversion of testosterone to DHT. This action reduces DHT levels in the body, slowing or even reversing hair loss. As a non-surgical solution, Dutasteride stands out as a top choice for combating male pattern hair loss.

Effortless Application: Hair Regrowth Made Simple

  • Apply with Precision: Start by cleansing your scalp with a mild shampoo and pat it dry. Use your index finger or applicator brush to apply 1-2 drops to the affected area. Massage gently in circular motions and let it absorb for 30 seconds before styling.
  • Stick to the Routine: Apply once daily, preferably at night. Skip missed doses, don’t double up. 

Results will take time: expect early changes in 1-3 months, noticeable improvements in 3-6 months, and optimal results in 9-12 months.

Is Dutasteride Right for You?

Dutasteride is mainly for adult men who’ve tried other hair loss treatments without success and need something stronger. You’ll need a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider or a specialised clinic to get it.

Who Should Avoid It:

  • Women: Can impact foetal development and child growth.
  • Children: Risks to developing tissues and organs are too high.

Postmenopausal women might be considered in special cases, but always under strict medical supervision. Always check with your doctor before starting Dutasteride.

Experience Impressive Results 

Dutasteride delivers gradual but impressive results. In the first 1-3 months, you’ll see DHT levels drop, but visible regrowth takes time. By 3-6 months, expect reduced hair loss and early signs of new growth, particularly at the crown. Around 6-9 months, noticeable regrowth and thicker hair become evident. By 9-12 months, you’ll see significant improvements in hair density and a fuller, stronger hairline. Consistency is key for these transformative results.

Side effects 

Dutasteride, used for treating hair loss and prostate enlargement, can cause several common side effects. Up to 10% of men may experience impotence or erectile dysfunction, while 5% might report decreased libido or mild breast tenderness and swelling. Other frequent issues include headaches (5%), fatigue (4%), dizziness (3%), and nausea or vomiting (3%).

Less common side effects affect 0.1-1% of users and include severe allergic reactions, priapism (a prolonged, painful erection), testicular pain or swelling, ejaculation disorders, and gynecomastia (breast tissue growth in men). These side effects are rare but should be monitored closely.

In very rare cases (less than 0.1% of users), Dutasteride may lead to serious issues like jaundice, hepatitis, or kidney problems. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting treatment is crucial to address any potential concerns or side effects.

Storage and Handling

  • Keep Dutasteride in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and heat. 
  • Regularly check the expiration date and toss any medication that looks or smells off.


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