UK Hair Transplant Clinic Of The Year 2022-23

Our Harley Street Clinic

Harley Street hair transplant. Welcome to the Hair Dr’s new state of the art clinic. The Hair Dr is renowned as pioneers in hair restoration. Especially, the adoption of high-quality FUE hair transplants in the UK.

Due to the demand for the Hair Dr services in the region. The new Harley Street hair transplant clinic has been established. Allowing an alternative to our base in Yorkshire. Offering free consultations, follow-ups, and non-surgical treatments at our new Harley Street clinic. The Hair Dr continues to serve male and female patients.

Hair transplants will continue to be carried at our CQC registered health centre in Dewsbury. Performed by our specialist physicians. GMC registered and accredited by the ISHRS.

Hair Transplant Clinic Harley Street

A world leader in FUE hair transplant technology

Our doctors are some of the best in the hair restoration field. Every transplant is performed by a doctor. Not a nurse or unqualified person. Furthermore believing any aesthetic surgery the patient deserves the best-qualified. Asa result, we offer the latest in hair transplant techniques. Including the highly popular Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique. An exacting and technical minimally invasive procedure. Achieving perfectly natural-looking results. As with the FUT technique. The older, and established method.

Changing attitudes about hair transplants

Our priority and number one goal is to help the hair loss sufferer. Hair loss often carries many emotive feelings. There’s no shame in hair loss. But it does carry feeling of insecurity. There’s also no shame in in wanting a good head of hair. To look and feel your best. Today, more than ever. More high-profile individuals openly discuss their hair loss. Including undergoing a hair transplant procedure. As a result, there is more interest in surgical hair restoration. By both men and women are requesting a personal consultation assessment. If considering a hair transplant, it is important to discuss with a professional. Hair transplants can be a good option for young and old. Male or female. an option for younger or old. Regardless of what you may read. You don’t have earn a footballers salary to afford one.

What does a hair transplant involve?

Hair transplant is a minor surgical procedure. Performed under local anaesthetic. Normally a day procedure with no hospital or overnight stay. To start the procedure involves removing healthy hair follicles. From the donor area or saf zone. genetically healthy hair follicles. After being cleaned and checked they are ready to be placed. Subsequently placed into the bald areas. Normally over the top of the head. Skilled and experienced Hair Dr surgeons can perform large FUE sessions. As a result, the maximum number of grafts can be moved in the minimum time. With FUE, no stitches and minimal aftercare guarantees that client can get back to work in a matter of days.

FUE Hair Transplant

Why Harley street?

As the Hair Dr reputation has grown over the UK. It has been noted an increased demand from new areas of the UK. To address this we have chosen Harley Street hair transplant. This will offer us the benefit to carry out consultations, follow-ups, and non-surgical treatment options. Our clients are looking for a high quality service. Immediate care and after care attention by a UK qualified Doctor. At the Hair Dr we are able to offer our hair transplant patients an expert service, care and natural results.

Consultations with Hair Restoration experts

Our clients say that they like the personal touch that having a hair transplant in the UK offers. You will be able to have consultations with our team of hair restoration experts. As a result, we can offer the best advice on your hair transplant options. Including alternative hair loss treatments and medications. We want our patients to feel well-informed before their procedure. Always feeling able to contact us post-consultation if you have any further questions.

Surgeon Skill and Experience in Hair Transplant

When it comes to choosing a hair transplant surgeon you will be looking at their skill and experience. These will probably be the main reasons you have chosen them to perform your hair restoration procedure. Remember to research the Doctor and clinic and cross check any claims made. Ensure they have the accredited background they suggest.

At The Hair Dr, our surgeons are highly experienced and qualified in hair restoration. Accredited by the ISHRS performing procedures on a regular basis. If you would like to speak with any of our previous clients, please request this with the practice manager. Here are some of our google reviews.


One of the biggest reasons that people are choosing to have their hair transplant procedure at The Hair Dr clinic is our professional level of aftercare. A hair transplant is a surgical procedure and treating your newly transplanted hair correctly post-operatively is crucial. This is to ensure the best result is achieved. At The Hair Dr Clinic, we are accomodate to your needs. As a result, your hair transplant surgeon and nursing team have a 24-hour patient helpline (direct contact with the practice manager) ensures you are always in the best of hands.

Hair Transplant

The cost of hair transplant procedures often vary. Often the cost abroad is the biggest motivating point. But it should be remembered this is a medical procedure. That requires skills, experience, and qualifications to perform. Many clients using lesser services end up unhappy with the results they achieve. In some bad circumstances the results can leave extensive scarring. As a result of the procedure being performed by an unqualified technicians. In order to achieve the best results always put the quality and care above the cost.

Why choose The Hair Dr Clinic for an FUE Hair Transplant?

  • Outstanding results, don’t take our word for it, see our reviews. cost
  • 24-hour patient helpline to ensure you are always in the best of hands.
  • As many post-operative care and appointments with your Hair Transplant surgeon and nursing team as required.
  • Highly experienced Hair Transplant Surgeons.
  • Comprehensive patient information, every step of the way.
  • Outstanding clinic facilities.
  • Our excellent reputation for patient safety and satisfaction, honest advice and outstanding care means your journey with The Hair Dr Clinic will be an exciting experience to a newfound head of hair.
  • Many video testimonials of past patients
  • Extensive Hair Transplant FAQs

If you have any questions, then please feel free to contact us today on either method T: 0808 169 7210. E: alternatively you can book a free consultation via our website.

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